Against Euthanasia

      Euthanasia (Mercy killing) is extremely wrong and should be against the law world-wide. Although the patient is suffering pain, s/he should at least have the right to decline and live the rest of their lives, if they decline, or aren't able to, it should be considered homicide. All humans should be entitled to security and other forms of protection. With the medical technology that we have today we sustain life for longer, and possibly find new cures to end these horrible diseases. Even for the incurable, rights of life should most definitely sustained.
       People do have the right to stop life sustaining treatment or treatment that has already been started. This happened in the supreme court in Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health (1990). If the patient is denied the right to consent in this situation, it is considered murder of the second degree. Some other reasons why people are against euthanasia would be that there are some huge dangers; patients are sometimes      mis-diagnosed and may die of euthanasia because of a wrong diagnosis. Sometimes you can know somebody who were told that they were only going to be able to live for a couple months longer, but they really lived for years. Another reason is in a government ordered study in Netherlands, 65% of family physicians are of the opinion that a doctor may offer the choice of assisted suicide (Euthanasia) to a patient who hasn't asked to be killed. Another important reason is that a great deal of patience are strongly influenced by these talented doctors and a vulnerable patient could feel that there is no other choice.

Why someone might do Euthanasia

Someone might commit Euthanasia to relieve the thought of the victim's pain. Even if they get arrested they will feel less guilty. The most important reason why people might commit this is not because of pain, but a loss of autonomy and a fear of incapacity. Also, sometimes people would commit Euthanasia to end the horrible pain of the patient/ loved one. The patient might demand the right to assisted suicide due to unbearable pain, in some instances people shouldn't be forced to stay alive. If there is no other solution to keep a patient alive than they could request euthanasia.