
Case 1: Elizabeth Bouvia was born with severe cerebral palsy, she cant control any of her muscles, and couldn't care for herself. She needed help to be fed, washed, cleaned, toileted, clothed, and most importantly; to move.When this case happened Elizabeth was 28 years old, she also suffered from degenerative and had severe arthritis.

Case 2: Karen Quinlan was the age of 21 years. She was at her friends birthday, drinking and taking pills. She passed out, and never regained consciousness. The judge ruled that the feeding tube could be removed, hence Karen died six months later, in December of 1990.

Case 3: Dr.Kevorkian was charged with first degree murder; he delivered a controlled substance without a license to the in pain dying Thomas Youk . He was convicted with murder of the second degree. Dr. Kevorkian admitted that after 20 years of  work, he had assisted suicide to over 130 patients. He plead not guilty to involuntary active Euthanasia, but was still convicted.

Case 4:  Joseph Lasco Senior, at the age of 62 was arrested for murder of the first degree in Florida. He killed his ex-wife who had been recently diagnosed with terminal cancer, shooting her in the neck and chest. He claims that he killed her to relieve her of the pain from the illness.

Case 5: Robert Latimer was a farmer in Saskatchewan, Canada. He killed his 12 year old daughter Tracy. He killed her by carbon monoxide poisoning. Tracy was suffering a severe form of cerebral palsy. Robert killed her knowing that she was suffering constant, never ending pain.